The Universe, The Twitterverse: Ask and You Shall Receive



The Universe, The Twitterverse, both massive, each has their own vibrations, and moves in unison. People talk about “putting positive energy out into The Universe” and The Universe will respond to your needs and desires. I’m a believer in those inexplicable energies that work in life’s grand design. Now, what if you could actually see that energy in the universe respond to your needs and desires? What if there was such a place?

Well, there is such a place~ The Twitterverse. A massive network of people, of voices, of intertwining yet organized energies that respond to your movements, to your words. You’ve heard that positive energy begets positive, and negative, well, negative. I’m a positive, social person by nature. I joined the twitterverse a bit uncertain and nervous, though fabulously curious and excited for my new adventure into the unknown.

m a g i c

As is the Universe, The Twitterverse is alive and in constant motion. I held my breath and simply jumped in. With only a very small amount of followers, I found tweeps with hundreds, even thousands of followers responding to my questions, and reaching out to help. WOW! Little me? These seasoned, power-tweeters were talking to me. I was amazed. Could it be so easy? Be nice, ask, you shall receive. And bonus, you get to see it happen. Over and over again I watch tweeps reaching out and helping one another, guiding one another, consoling one another. The Twitterverse is a give~give. I put my heart into it~ its heart gives back.

My dad died one year ago this month. Time is going by so fast. He stoically battled cancer for 18 months, though still put great effort into raising donations for an international camp up in Maine for kids from counties in conflict, Seeds of Peace. My family established a scholarship fund in honor of my dad because it was so close to his heart. He believed in the camp’s mission to educate and empower kids with leadership skills, lifelong friendships, and vision to thrive in a life with purpose, and peace.

Best friend, best dad, ever.

Because I believe it important for dad’s dream to live long after after he left us, I drafted a post titled “How to Plant a Seed of Peace.”  Our goal is to raise $6,000. to send one new seed to camp each summer. I knew the post needed to receive significant attention to create awareness and support; it needed to ignite across The Twittersphere. Asking for anything is extremely difficult for me; I’m a much better giver. Though my over-riding need to keep my dad’s vision alive, to support his nobel effort to bring together kids from countries in conflict from around the world, to ensure their future of a life lived in peace, made me just hold my breath and ask.

I reached out to @2morrowknight simply to hear Sean’s opinion on where I should post. Having recently started my own blog, I initially thought to post there, and ask my tweeps to pls RT.  However, Sean surprised me when he offered a Guest Post spot on his blog. Wow. I was at a loss for words, and admittedly, a bit teary.  Subsequently, the posted circulated to over one million people in under 10 minutes.

The Universe, The Twitterverse, conspired to put dad’s voice, his mission, and his belief in kids worldwide to establish a world without conflict.  My gratitude is boundless for those who responded to my voice, my wish for dad’s vision~ a lasting and thriving Seeds of Peace.  My special thank you to all of those magical, sparking stars in the Universe who prove every day that good begets good, and putting positive energy into The Twitterverse does make dreams come true. I’ve seen it.

Plant your seed HERE  ☛ Seeds of Peace Tribute

Tell me, who are your brightest stars?

9 thoughts on “The Universe, The Twitterverse: Ask and You Shall Receive

  1. Pingback: Help give a lift to the magical gifts of Esta’s twitterverse

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